1. Executive summery

The objective behind this alternative policy statement is to elaborate, taking into account Somaliland vision 2040, National Development Plan (NDP) and related sectoral priorities and give a framework which will improve future tourism development with quality, diversification and sustainability for this ministry. Somaliland Vision 2040 aims at transforming the country from a predominantly peasant and low-income economy to a competitive upper middle-income economy through the promotion of growth, employment and socio-economic transformation.
The ministry operates through a vision:
Sustainable tourism, and cultural ANTIQUITIES contributing to the transformation of the Somaliland society from a tour peasant to a modern and prosperous one. This is further guided by the Mission statement as to develop and promote tourism, and cultural ANTIQUITIES resources for the enhancement of Somaliland as a preferred tourist destination, with accelerated sector contribution to the national economy. There are five other institutions that support the ministry to deliver its programs.
We need to align our work within the tourism sector and promote the green economy. We as the policy makers and planners should look for ways to stimulate growth and raise environmental issues, particularly through a sustainable development agenda, which provides an opportunity for growth. Green growth can promote economic development while responding to intrinsic issues of economic growth, and loss of natural capital and resources.

1. Strengthening policies, regulations and governance (i) Strategic and Environment Impact Assessment and (ii) waste management in biodiversity hotspots since our tourism is mostly nature-based.
2. Conservation and sustainable utilization of resources During our 32 years of independence celebrations, we at parliament initiated the conservation initiative to highlight the need to conserve our national symbol. I would want to see such commitments being followed with some proposed activities. The other thing we should be interested in is that probably by the time a tourist reaches the National Park, he has seen 70% of the nature.
3. Promotion and marketing I propose that the marketing of such be done from within the country to reduce on travel costs and maximize advertising. A similar Fair like the British Bird Fair could be supported here.
4. Capacity and skill development, Training of tour guides is a key aspect, provide them with the right equipment and ensure their accessibility. Additionally, I feel we need to improve on the Tourism Information Centers, at national level.  

2. The opportunities that we need to take advantage of include :

Promoting sustainable development in a green economy; Being mindful of our dependency on nature amidst development projects and a multi-stakeholder approach brings opportunities and multiple benefits, helping to address pressures related to poverty, population growth, economic growth, urbanization and resource use.
Improving lives of the frontline communities near Protected Areas; The communities that are most affected by the human – conflict issues are the front-line communities near Protected Areas.
Building adaptive capacity and skill development in priority areas; Somaliland‟s tourism sector is undermined by the inadequate capacity and skills to initiate, operate and sustain institutions supporting the industry.
Attracting support to finance the sector and priority areas; It is important to fundraise using designated funding raising desk officers. Within this sector, we have international conventions. Direct financing of biodiversity conservation, especially in Protected Areas and sensitive habitats. Revenue from park-entrance fees and similar sources can be allocated specifically to pay for the protection and management of environmentally sensitive areas.